Baby meals that are off limits

Forbidden foods for babies. Working parents frequently worry most about how to feed their children. We’ll talk about forbidden foods that shouldn’t be given to young children today.

While we are worried about providing our children with options for healthy food, it is important to keep in mind that some things, regardless of how healthy they may be, may not be the greatest for them.

We conducted a survey of nutritionists and pediatricians and created a complete list of the main dietary restrictions for children in their early years.

Beware of cow’s milk!

Until a child’s first year of age, the main food babies need is breast milk. We can also give artificial milk if the mother is unable to produce breast milk.

However, cow’s milk cannot be given to the child. This is recommended, as cow’s milk has a surplus of protein and minerals that can put a strain on the baby’s kidneys.

The proteins found in breast milk, as well as in formulas adapted for babies, have the exact amounts for feeding the baby, therefore, they are much safer in the nutrition of the little ones.

Beware of vegetable drinks!

You should also be careful with vegetable drinks, as much as we consider them to be healthy, they are forbidden foods for babies and not ideal for a baby up to one-year-old.

Vegetable drinks that you should be careful about are those made with rice, soy, oatmeal, quinoa, almonds, etc.

When the father or mother inserts some type of vegetable drink, it must be done in a timely manner and as a supplement to the child’s diet, that is, accompanied by other types of nutritious foods.

Watch out for the salt!

Forbidden foods for babies
You need to check the packaging of the products and see if it is not high in salt. (Image by: Freepik)

Care with salt is a lifelong tip, but especially in the early stages of a child’s life, this care should be even greater. It must be taken into account that salt is a component that is not suitable for the kidneys of babies in the process of development, in addition to ending up altering the taste of other components and that children are just discovering smells and flavors.

So, mom and dad on duty, you won’t need to put salt when preparing your child’s food.

Watch out for sugar!

Sugar is totally unnecessary for a child at an early stage of development. In fact, we can say that sugar should be avoided not only by children, but by adults as well, as it causes a series of health problems.

 This is because sugar is cardiogenic, demineralizes and does not provide anything nutritional for our body.

In addition to being directly associated with cases of childhood obesity.

Watch out for honey!

Pediatricians generally recommend not giving bee or sugar cane honey to children is a forbidden food for babies under 12 months of age, due to the risk of botulism, a disease of little prevalence, but which when it affects a child can be fatal.

In addition, pediatricians also recommend that this food is not given to children under 3 years of age, as the product is highly cardiogenic and can cause cavities.

Beware of Spinach

Forbidden foods for babies
Be cautious with spinach. (Image by: Freepik)

Pediatricians also recommend that we do not include spinach as a single dish in baby food. This is recommended, given that spinach has high levels of nitrate, which can be harmful to our health.

The toxicity present in spinach is determined by its reduction of nitrates in the body, which, in high concentrations, can lead to methemoglobinemia. In children and especially in babies, minimal amounts would be sufficient to trigger serious disorders.

Those babies and young children who are exposed to high concentrations of nitrates over the sale of a diet, may suffer from “blue baby syndrome”.

Watch out for the beet!

Beetroot is another type of vegetable that is forbidden foods for babies also prohibited by pediatricians, as it has high levels of nitrates, as does spinach.

The consumption of this type of vegetable is totally prohibited for children under 1 year. Above 1 year and up to 3 years of age, if they are to be given to the child, it must be in small portions and with another type of food together.

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