Curiosities about the human body

Today, our content today is reserved to present curiosities about the human body that you certainly didn’t know until now.

Know that there are many things about your body that you probably don’t know, so today we will present you with a selection with the most surprising details about our human body.

Human beings are by nature curious beings, aren’t they?

We always want to look for something new, to know new data, and we are always looking for something interesting and that intrigues us.

Facts about the human body that you probably didn’t know

Currently, we are so used to living with our human body on a daily basis that we rarely stop to think about everything that happens in our body. However, our organism still holds many unsolved mysteries and scientists do not cease to fascinate us with its secrets.

It is likely that you already know some of the curiosities about the human body that we will present, but we will also present unusual things that you may have never heard of.

The amount of bones we have in our body

Curiosities about the human body
The human body has 206 bones. (Image by: Freepik)

You may not know it yet, but we humans are born with 300 bones, but as the child grows, some of these bones are fused together until growth stops (at age 25 or so).

In this final phase of bone growth, the body leaves us with a figure of 206 bones. Thus, at least 94 of these bones weld together during childhood. In addition, more than half of the bones are found between the hands and feet. Concretely, each hand has 27 bones and each foot has 26.

The amount of muscles that the human body has

The exact number of muscles that the human body has is still speculated without a single result. Some experts suggest that there are at least 639 muscles in the human body in total. However, there are other studies that claim there is much more.

What we do know is that the most used muscles are located in the parpados which contract more than 100 thousand times a day.

It is interesting to mention that most of its activity takes place during the REM sleep phase, this represents that we will be dreaming.

How much air we breathe throughout the day

Curiosities about the human body
We breathe all day. (Image by: Freepik)

Taking into account that we breathe in and out between 5 and 6 liters of air per minute, this ends up determining that in 24 hours a person breathes between 7,200 and 8,600 liters. If we count it by breaths, then we do about 21,000 per day.

As a result of this process, our body ends up assimilating the oxygen it needs and expelling carbon dioxide. It is calculated that our daily contribution to the volume of CO2 in the atmosphere is, under normal conditions, just over a kilo, like what a car emits when traveling five kilometers.

Plants and oceans are responsible for removing around 50% of the CO2 emitted by human activities from circulation.

Number of times our heart beats per day

It is estimated that our heart beats around 115,000 times a day, that is, an average of 80 times a minute and 42 million times a year.

Over a lifetime, an average of 80 years, a heart will regulate itself to beat 3 million times. Our heart muscle is capable of pumping so much blood that we could fill about 1 million barrels in our lifetime.

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